Sunday, October 6, 2013

I sit down this morning to a cup of Green Mountain fair trade three continent blend coffee, curtosy of BzzAgent, and I have to say it was one of the best cups of coffee I have had.   Green Mountain three continent blend coffee is a smooth but rich coffee.   It's not weak or strong in flavor. It is just perfect.   I have the privileged to be part of where you get picked to do certain campaigns for them where they will send you a product to try for free and to share with  friends and family. They sent  me a box of Green Mountain fair trade three continent blend coffee in which I enjoyed this morning with my sister and husband.  It is my new favorite.  Not only is the coffee fantastic but by purchasing Green Mountain coffee that says fair trade on the package you are also helping farmers escape poverty. Most small scale family farmers live in remote locations, so they are more vulnerable to people who offer them cash for their coffee. Fair trade guarantees farmers a minimum price  and it also helps farmers get in contact with importers and it helps them create long term sustainability, and allows them better income to help keep their lands and provide for their family.   So next time you are shopping please take a moment to look for the stamp that says fair trade certified.

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